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Baumbach. Solar Analysis witch Vasari.

This work aims to analyze the insolation on a building and understand the projections of shadows at different times of day.
The chosen building is located on the street Enrico Cruciani Alibrandi in the neighborhood Vigna Pia, near at central region of Rome.

1st Exercise_Shadow Matching_via Francesco Donati_Ionut Girneata

This is the study I’ve made for a building in Dragona, it’s between Rome and Ostia. It’s located in via Francesco Donati n.71. This building has 3 levels and the other architectures around it are not too high, the highest one has 4 levels. As we can see from the satellite image, there are no buildings to cover the East and West side, there’s only one building from South which can cover the sun light. The apartment is on the 1st floor and it has windows at East and West so it’s always full of light.


Es_1 Lab_6 Vasari_Analisi Solare_via Senorbi_ GabrielaStrugaru

L'analisi del sole da me effettuata, è stata realizzata nella periferia della città di Roma, in una zona che si sta sviluppando soprattutto in questo periodo e sta crescendo con nuove costruzioni. Il mio edificio è a 3 piani ed affaccia su via Senorbi nr 28, ed è circondato da edifici con al massimo 2 piani.


Esercitazione 1, Via Cavalese 14, Roma. ChiaraMazzeo


Step 1. Open a new document and then click on Manage -> Project Units to change the units (meters!)

Step 2. Change "Perspective views" with "Ortographic"

Step 3. Click on Analyze -> Location and then insert your address. click on import site image

Step 4. Click on Top to view the plan


Esercitazione_1 - Analisi solare_Largo del Pallaro 4_Roma - Aleksandra Stosic

STEPS OF THE ANALYSIS - passaggi dell'analisi

1. Open Autodesk Vasari. From the home page, open a new project.
    Apri Autodesk Vasari. Dalla pagina iniziale, apri un nuovo progetto (“New Project”, in alto a sinistra)




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