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Prima consegna


Prima Esercitazione

In questa prmo approccio con Project Vasari ho verificato l'efficacia della funzione di simulazione del percorso del sole. 

Per prima cosa ho importato l'immagine satellitare di Val Melaina (area di progetto del corso C del prof.Vidotto). In seguito ho costruito il contesto in maniera abbastanza concettuale, utilizzando principalmente masse parallelepipede (fatta eccezione per le falde della scuola a nord dell'area).


Lab_6: Val Melaina Project. I consegna

-I've managed to upload the image of the geographic location

-I've represented two of Val Melaina's court disposed buildings

-I've represented Porta di Roma’s school on via Giuseppe de Santis 3

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First approach with Project Vasari

To make clear the project I choose to add the parameter of material in the masses I just finish by setting them into a flat glass. In that way now it is possible to see the number of plans.

In the first image the "Sun Settings" are set to the 21st of December, so I checked that the projected shadows will not cover the facade of the adjacent building, one to the other. This simple control is displayed setting "Shadows On" in the lower part of the menu. A similar thing have been done in the second image, this time setting the sun in the 21st of June.

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First steps with Project Vasari: Porta di Roma’s school on via Giuseppe de Santis 3

satellite view (img1)

In order to learn working with project Vasari I decided to develop the 3d model of a school in Val Melaina, professor Vidotto’s project area (img2). I had enough photographs to check the correct function of the shadows.

First, I put the area view in the Rvt file. I took 2 images because I wanted a less-pixelated frame. (img3)

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Abbonamento a RSS - LAB6