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Esercitazione 1_ Analisi solare_ (quartiere Villa Bonelli,Roma) _ Gaia Guiducci

Steps I followed to create my solar analysis:

- I changed the PROJECT UNITS (MODEL TAB) into metric system
- I assured myself I was using the ORTOGRAPHIC VIEW (MANAGE TAB)
- I set up the correct address and I imported the map (clicking SET LOCATION under the cube on the right side of the screen)
- I created masses (MODEL TAB) and then I extruded my simple solids ( trying to recreate the real buildings I counted 3 metres of heights for each floor outside the ground)-> FINISH MASS
- I clicked on SUN PATH -> SUN SETTINGS (to set the same time I shot the pictures)



Open Vasari and after start using the program creating a new project. Click on Manage and change the Project Units from inches feet to metres. Click on Set Location to find the place yuo need to work on (I have had a problem here, because my pc is not allowed the program to enter in maps, indeed I import an image). Start modeling the buildings with the comand Create Mass and Modify to draw the high of buildings. In the end click on Finish Mass, your work has been completed. To made the Solar Analisies, click on the icons below your work page: Sun Path and Shadows.


studio ombreggiamento via Bartolomeo Avanzini

I’ve followed this passages for creating the building model where I live with Vasari:

1. I’ve opened a new work file clicked on “new” from the initial screen.

2. I’ve converted inches to metros clicked on “manage” and then on “project units”.

3. I could choose the street where I live clicked on the bow under the cube that it’s upper right of the project screen.

4. I could import the image on the work plan clicked “import site image”.


Esercitazione 1, Via Gaspare Spontini. Andrea Piattella

The first step was to import the map of the street of my house (via Gaspare Spontini). I corrected the Project Units in meters. Than I traced the profile of the building looking at the roofs (using the command Create Mass). I signed the border and than I extruded the volumes paing attention to the real height of the structures. Once I extruded all the buildings I activated the shadows with the command Shadows on and set the correct time with the command Sun Settings. The time that i set in the program is the same of the pictures.


Prima Esercitazione_Via Donizetti_Matteo Molinari

Attraverso l'utilizzo del programma Vasari ho analizzato il modo in cui il mio edificio è soggetto all'irraggiamento solare in tre periodi della giornata da me scelti (10:30-12:30-16:30 relativi al 14 Marzo 2014).


Prima di poter fare un analisi complessiva dell'isolato in cui vivo ho dovuto creare un semplice modello 3D con le volumetrie principali.
I passaggi sono i seguenti:
- Impostare le unità di misura: MODEL-->PROJECT UNITS e impostare il sistema metrico decimale.



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