Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 18:45
In this second exercise I analised the solar radiation of my building.
To start the analysis of the sun radiation I used the comand "Analyze" and selected "Solar Radiation"
Inviato da Arianna Conte il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 18:07
Ho effettuato l'analisi solare con Vasari sul mio edificio, focalizzando la mia attenzione sui mesi invernali ed estivi in quando i più caldi e i più freddi. Ho preferito scegliere io un arco temporale di cui conoscere l' analisi comulativa sulla base dei miei ragionamenti e non usare i tre mesi standard delle stagioni.
ANALISI CUMULATIVA dal 10 giugno al 20 agosto, ore 9.00-18.00
Inviato da Davide Lanzon il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 17:59
Inviato da Pietro Meneghello il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 17:26
In this second exercise i tried to study the solar radiation during the several season in particular in Summer (from June to September) and Winter (end of November - end of March).
Once modeled the building where I live with balconies, cornices and other elements, I saw how the program displays the sunniest areas, the shadows and how the architectural projections are a disadvantage or favor for the facades of the buildings.
Inviato da ant.scirocchi il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 17:07
In this second exercise, i've started from the elementary volumes extruded for the first exrcise, and i've analized the solar radiation on my house. As the first step i've modeled my originals volumes adding different details: the ground, the balconies, the falls of roof end the canopy. Because during the warmer period of the year, there is a greater duration of daylight and during th colder period there is a lower duration of daylight, the solar radiation changes during the year.