Messaggio di errore

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  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 576 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /var/www/

family for wood structure

Ho creato la famiglia "Legno Massiccio" come modello generico basato su muro.

Perdonate l'errore della sottostruttura dei listelli di rivestimento ordita al contrario.

Il Muro creato ha caratteristiche strutturali ed è composto da una serie di strati di listelli in legno d'abete incrociati.

La struttura portante del muro ha spessore di 24cm. Il muro rifinito arriva a 34cm.

Mi sono basato su una tecnologia brevettata in Germania (MHM) Massiv-Holz-Mauer.

Questa tecnologia è gia sfruttata in italia da aziende come la FBE wood living.

La mia idea è quella di crere le famiglie di base per quasto tipo di costruzioni, inserire nelle loro proprietà le caratteristiche dei materiali in modo da sfruttarle per le verifiche (termiche,strutturali,ecc)

Un primo passo verso un iter di progettazione intgrata. Il fine è quello di raggiungere una progettazione di abitazioni o quantaltro con materiali ecologici, nel risparmio di tempo e denaro da parte del cliente e del costruttore.i


Caro Daniele,

in attesa di tuoi post "organici" sull'argomento,
qualche primo link di riferimento:

un sito interessate per il filtro alle news che opera sulle piattaforme esistenti
e gli sviluppi della tecnologia:

ad esempio:
Da Revit a Ecotect:

Da Revit 2010 a IES Virtual Environment:

Il GBXML ha un sito ufficiale:

c'è ad esempio una lista dei software coinvolti:

      • DesignWorkshop® - A complete software power tool for creating 3D models, walkthroughs, and renderings, from initial sketches to polished presentations.
      • Autodesk Architectural Desktop - Designed for architects and built on AutoCAD® software, Autodesk® Architectural Desktop 2005 offers the productivity of automated documentation, the efficiency of intelligent architectural objects, and the flexibility of file-based collaboration.
      • Autodesk Building Systems & AutoCAD MEP - The building engineering software application that connects the design, documentation, and analysis of complex building mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems.
      • Autodesk Revit Architecture & Revit MEP - Gain instant competitive advantage with the Autodesk® Revit® building design and documentation system, purpose-built for building information modeling. Change anything, anytime, anywhere, and Revit coordinates the change everywhere.
      • Bentley Architecture - Bentley Architecture is an advanced, yet intuitive and easy-to-use architectural building information modeling (BIM) application that empowers architects and designers to create with unlimited freedom.
      • Bentley Building Mechanical Systems - An advanced, yet intuitive and easy-to-use building information modeling (BIM) application that empowers mechanical engineers with unlimited freedom to explore more design options, make better informed design decisions, and predict costs and performance.
      • Bentley speedikon Architectural - Bentley speedikon Architectural is a fast, powerful, and integrated (BIM) application for MicroStation and AutoCAD building design and construction documentation of new and existing structures of any size and complexity, such as offices, airports, hospitals, and manufacturing plants.
      • Green Building Studio (GBS) - A web service that enables automated energy analysis from within the applications below.
        • gbXML Plug-in for Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2004, 2005, & 2006
        • gbXML Plug-in for Autodesk Building System 2004
        • gbXML Plug-in for Graphisoft ArchiCAD 9, 10, & 11 Mac & Windows

  Building Energy Analysis
      • EnergySave - An easy to use intelligent interface to Arup's Energy2 building energy analysis program.

      • Cymap – An integrated building services design suite, covering both mechanical and electrical. Imports gbXML building data for use in services design, energy analysis and demonstrating compliance with Building Regulations.

      • Loadsoft 6.0 - Loadsoft 6.0 from Carmel Software is a commercial and industrial HVAC load calculation software package that is based upon the ASHRAE 2005 Fundamentals radiant time series (RTS) method.

      • HAP (Hourly Analysis Program) - HAP is a dual function program - full-featured load estimating and system sizing for commercial buildings plus versatile hour-by-hour energy and operating cost analysis.

      • Tas - Tas Building Designer simulation software from EDSL ( is a new generation product, no old legacy code to slow you down. Try it for room load and plant component sizing, energy use and running costs, CO2 emissions, natural ventilation and passive design with solar shading.
      • Green Building Studio (GBS) - A building energy analysis web service designed for easy integration with existing 3D-CAD/BIM software tools. Below are files that are produced by the GBS.
        • DOE-2.2 - One of the most advanced and widely used building energy analysis engines.
        • EnergyPlus - The successor to DOE-2 that has advanced building analysis capabilities.
        • eQuest - The most widely used graphical building energy analysis tool in the world.
        • VRML & X3D - Virtual Reality Modeling Language and its XML version used for describing 3D environments.
      • IDEA Server® - A sophisticated and easily integrated web-based building energy analysis solution. Below are engines that are supported by IDEA Server.
        • DOE-2.1e & DOE-2.2 - Two of the most advanced and widely used building energy analysis engines.
      • IES <Virtual Environment> - The IES<Virtual Environment>, is a unique, integrated system for building performance assessment that bring productivity and excellence to every aspect of building design.
      • TRACE® 700 - A comprehensive and widely used energy and economic analysis tool for mechanical engineers.


 ecco il link diretto
a uno dei tutorial:

r e v i t o l o g y: Green Templates Part II: Revit Architecture to Ecotect

L'autore è il New Yorkese Oliver Smith


ottimo comincio a dare un'occhiata a questi siti..peccato che ancora non riesco a istallare revit 2010 o per lo meno non riesco ancora a salvare i file.....devo ancora trovare ecotect dll'autodesk per poter fare questa prima prova descritta in quel tutorial che è molto interessante.. Grazie mille.