
Designing for Production with Barrisol


Barrisol is something like a "code name" for a project for a light acosutic shell aimed at improving the acoustic performance of a new conference hall to be built within an existing structure

AcousticSpace_First Acoustic Analysis

As I already said in previous posts,
the hangar renovation has to gain acoustic feautures. Therefore i set a first series of analysis whose results are the following.


1_purpose of the analisys

In the clients' intention, the hall has to be a conference hall or a sort of cinema. The analysis has a double acoustic purpose

AcousticSpace_Parametric Routine to unroll blankets

I'm goint to explain Elisa Conversano's work.


1_about the routine

She produced a routine which is able to draw an approximation of the blankets in the project and, after that, unroll them in order to give the real (approximated) dimension.

AcousticSpace_about the form

 I want to explain the process which is being developed by the design group: I want therefore to explain the way that has led us where are we now.




One of the most important theme in the hangar-renewal project is the barrisol blanket design: that's because the project needs to be feasible, while 3d models often are not.

In this case, for instance, we have to understand how to design 3d developable surfaces.


1_ Constructive Issues


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