Inviato da MarcoMondello il 9 Novembre, 2009 - 08:55
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 29 Settembre, 2009 - 20:52
Last week i've been fabricating a prototype of my component at Devoto's.
What we've made is the diffusive part of it: we succeded in assemblying two modules, while the other four plus a very rough sitting will be fabricated next week. Starting from data i've produced (see last posts), process has involved these steps:
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 19 Settembre, 2009 - 19:27
Departing from the last post, i continue explaining how it is possible to sort data out of geometry. I will talk to mr. Devoto soon departing from what i've produced, in order to understand how to make a prototype for ComponenteDevoto.

1_family modeling
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 17 Settembre, 2009 - 15:47
In the end we arrived to the protyping phase.

Nevertheless, i must say that in Roma me, stefano and prof. Bianchi together we have not found instruments in order to make acoustic analisys on to-scale models. Therefore the only possible strategy today seems to be prototyping a real scale ComponenteDevoto's diffusive system, in a configuration we find interesting, and look for results by analysing it.
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 8 Settembre, 2009 - 10:14
An important feauture of this current design is the form: which has to gather two important requirements.
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