An important feauture of this current design is the form: which has to gather two important requirements.
A_It shall be adaptive rather than modular, since it is tought to be manufactured using CNC tecniques. This means that i have not looked for a "module", but rather i'm trying to design a routine which can be applied departnig from several different conditions.
B_Form follows acoustic performances. In order to do so, we'll set up acoustic tests in following few weeks.
Departing from last post, I'd like to show a couple of possibilities offered (to be tested).
First ones are components whose size is the one Mr.Devoto agreed to produce (max 170cm lenght): i think we could produce this ones and test them single or in some configurations.
Sitting design is at present not enhanced for acoustic reasons, but for architectural ones. In pictures, purple line indicates acoustic configuration.
#1 STRAIGHT ANGLE which can be put wherever, whatever span -if concave
#2 CONCAVE Difference in next rpg occurrence could be in whatever math law and span
#3 CONVEX NB: due to rpg's configuration, difference in next rpg occurrence could be MAX 20°
#4 SMOOTH CHANGE OF CURVATURE convex to concave
#5 complex_COUPLE OF STRAIGHT ANGLES can be concave to convex as well
We need now to decide which ones are the most interesting possibilities/variations and produce and test them.
In this last configuration i've tried and force a little bit the form (below)...which could be not acoustic-effective. (isn't it?)
3_a possible case: a club using ComponenteDevoto
In this rough design, possibilities for the component
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