Tesi master theses
Devoto fabrication partner
CNC: real experiences | case studies
Acoustics projects | form | analisys
Custom Families Revit
Data Production model to data
Visual Basic scripting for Revit
Barrisol project for a conferece hall
I proceed towards the first assembly of my component.
I started again from a blank family, in order to draw both my components (ribs and spines) with the same geometry. In the last delivery (_towards first assembly), i realised that it's necessary to draw the spines before the ribs. On the other hand, in the reality, the ribs are assebled departing from the spines: i reckon this is the right strategy to sort out the whole assebly.
Step1_Overall geometry
For first i drew the usual geometry in plan. After that i extruded the projection of my future rib, constraining it to a reference plane whose name is rib base (whose height is a parameter): this plane indicates the work plane for the family Rib.
As you see, i'have already created all the parameters which define each instance. At present, all of them are independent.
In order to draw the spines' sections, i make an important move: i'm going to constraint all the parameters with the MARKER. In this way i'm not accepting anymore that my model varies without a "law". The model is now able to produce just one instance at a time: depending on the value of the MARKER, which is the name, the ID of each instance. Obiouvsely it is possible to change the law in every moment, just changing the formula which define it.
I can now draw in two different levels: the rib base one, which defines the n-th intance, and the rib +1 one, which locates the n+1-th. On these work-plans (which corresponds with two diffent views -in each one i'm just visualising the elements that are on the plane), i draw the orizontal sections of the spine. Therefore, i will have in this family just a part of the spine, the one which is connecting the n-th rib to the n+1-th.
I realise only now a very important thing: i cannot just loft the sections of the spines as they're drawn now, bacause they're not allined to the same plane. My spines should be cut from the same wood board: for this I set a plane and fix it. This one is referring to the first instance, but it is ok for the others as well.
Now, The spines will be realised starting by the same board, which will be cut in a not-ortogonal way on the short side. Something that Devoto's machineries can do extremely well.
I'm able now to draw the sections and loft the part of the spine.
Imagining the statics of these ribs, I realise that their width can't vary totally freedomly: that's beacuse sometimes the section could be too slim to bear te ribs, above all because i'm guessing about stiff jointing -without neither glue nor screws- (the joints are the most stressed points...I need that the material is right there). For this i constraint the variation of the widht to a minimum with an =if(,,) structure.
Nesting the spine family, i've a first vision of the complete assebly (which si not constructive yet). This two files are alive: if i change the family, the nested assembly does.
Modeling the ribs is far easier: in fact i had already done it. I just reply the usual geometry (triangular extrusion), watching out for using the correct auxiliar parameters (not the if-constrained ones).
As usual, i nest a family to have the different instances in succession. The bizarre corner of the boards is just an approximation of the study model, in the reality i will realise a stiff joint.
I can now assembly both the ribs and the spines in a REVIT project, which i can use to generate schedules (it'd better know the weight of the ribs' amount and the quantity of wood needed). But i prefer not to do so immediatly.
Since i want to study the acoustics of my component, and in order to do it, it will be necessary to generate a great deal of models, therefore the project is not convenient. If we want to change it, indeed, we have to change the rib family, upload it, change spines, upload it, upload nested ribs, upload nested spines. Rather I prefer to create only one family containing both spines and ribs (it's a study model), and nest it in a new family. I publish a couple of variations of this model and the files.
I've undestood that the constructive process makes me change the production of the model, as well as the acoustic responses will. I'll be starting studing both the acoustic and the design of my component in detail from now on.
I'm taking into account the possibility to transform my component into an armchair.
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