Tesi master theses
Devoto fabrication partner
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Acoustics projects | form | analisys
Custom Families Revit
Data Production model to data
Visual Basic scripting for Revit
Barrisol project for a conferece hall
During the meeting we had on friday, me and professor Bianchi tried to understand how to analize the acoustic performance of my component. We tried moreover to understand wheter the box sistem is better than the open sistem.
Concering the analysis, it's professor's opinion that we won't obtain any result, because current softwares just work on another scale (my component should be too little). It's not possible, according to professor Bianchi, to see what happens below the component's shading. These programs are supposed to work without the evaluation of the shape or configuration; rather it can evaluate the overall acoustic of a room, by inserting manually the supposed value of each thing.
We have been in agreement with using a Reflection Phase Grating (whose values are note) to obtain best diffusion results. Thus we could spare designing a big box: besides the excellent diffusion, a good reverberation time will be gained by the presence of the listener on the component. Indeed, to absorbe the sound it's necessary something that can deaden the sound wave, something soft. Human beings and clothes are indeed soft: for instance, the acoustic performance of an auditorium has to be calculated with both full-hall and half-full hall, beacuse the presence of listenerers infuences acoustics significantly. This design choice could be decisive, because it configures my component as a "scratched shell".
Therefore, i will produce a series of sketch configurations, in order to go next week and see wether the softwares will be useful.
In the end, it's necessary to sort out the use of the component. It could be tought for a room, thus it shall be small and foldable. Otherwise, its destination could be somewhere like a club, which needs a full designed component (with the sitting), possibly modular.
11 Dicembre, 2008 - 19:52
Collegamento permanente
Dear Marco, I've thought
Dear Marco, I've thought about your design and goal: don't you think it would be better to use this kind of system as a general wall-panel instead of a shell that goes around the listener?The greatest problem for your shell is that you can't control the external factors (room size, absorption, displacement, etc.) and that the local (in the shell) acoustic setting is out of control, so the risk is that the achievements you obtain with the shell are worthless.Your shell, in order to have some effect on the sound should be of a parabolic shape, with the focus ideally in the listeners head, with a reflective surface in order to gain dBs by concentrating all the reflections in one point and lowering the reverberation time, because the perfect reverberation for a movie is very low - around 0.1-0.3 seconds - (and as you can see in every cinema sound absorption surfaces are everywhere, otherwise there's the risk of echo).Hope to help you in your research,D.
11 Dicembre, 2008 - 20:44
Collegamento permanente
Thank you Daniele
Ciao Daniele,
thank you for your precious advices.
After a bit of time spent on this project, I can say that it's professor Bianchi's opinion and mine that the external factors will be negligible thanks to the shell. Moreover with a concave shape (as you said, you were right), it is possible to gain dBs, just beacuse the listener is close enough to the diffusing surface. The sound will be significantly better perceived, because of the diffusion, which will work far better than reflection. On the other hand, it's not possible to work on the reverberation fenomenon beacuse devoto's wood is really tough.
I'm not thinking about a wall panel, beacuse it would take too much wood to improve the whole local acoustics. Moreover this kind of products already exist.
Thank you very much, see you on saturday.