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Custom Families Revit
Data Production model to data
Visual Basic scripting for Revit
Barrisol project for a conferece hall
As Stefano suggested me, I tried and simplify my product. Therefore the design i'm about to describe is made of just one element, whose variation produces the result.
The essential idea is to create an angle and exploit his bisector.
The compontent is made of two separate elements to fit in together, whose rotation around fixed points is the same. In this way i can both connect all the components (using two bars in the centers of rotation) and nest the element easily.
Once the rotation describes a 90 degrees angle (i'd prefer this angle, for both acoustic and non acoustic reason), the two elements are milled in the RPG shape (the actual design diffuses 500 to 5000 hz, which is pretty good - Radio 101 rpg's range is 360-3700)
As i've said in the last posts, the angle has strong acoustic features. What is new is the fact that i want to exploit the bisector of this angle: each point on the bisector, indeed, has the same distance from both its sides.
What could happen ,in the case that Rpgs produce interference -something i trust, i've just sent a mail to RPG Diffusors INC (NY) to ask for- is extremely interesting. If the two sides of the angle works in phase (most probable), the sound in the center will be greatly strenght by both the acoustic loading phenomenon and the contructive interference. What happens in the case the two sides of the angle work in phase opposition, we will have a distructive interference in correspondence of the bistector.
For this i would like to keep on working on this model, it could be a great start to study the fase opposition case as well.
This chair has a problem, it has no back. Instead of creating this element, which would weaken the angle effect, i'd rather work on ergonomy: for this the sitting, which is undefined at the moment, could be 40cm heigh (with a shape to study in order to support one's back), or 27cm (as high as a stool; i'd prefer this last in order to save wood and because i reckon this could be far more fit for a club).
I assemblied this chair with a standrard macro.
Public Sub assembly()Dim K As Double = 30.48If (Not LoadFamily("pezzi speciali.rfa")) Then"Loaded a family nono")ReturnEnd If
MsgBox( fi = Create.NewFamilyInstance(p2, fs, Structural.Enums.StructuralType.NonStuctural) param.Set(i)
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