ComponenteDevoto_new design_part 2

 I imagine the left half of my component to be essentially anti-simmetrical as regards the right one. Thus it will be possible to obtain a better acoustics, since the sound is better spread in a non.symmetrical ambient (as each small recording room).

It is important that RPGs have a different orientation as well, thus the sound will be scattered over two different planes. I would combine vertical cuts to the vertical vibration (the opposite way it is now), but in order to do so i need to know whether mr.Devoto can mill the wood in the way i described in the last post.

I reckon this left half of the component can bear itself. I want to joint it to the right one as well. 

I already have to produce the third part of my design (the sitting). Sorry for the shortness of this post, i had a little time to work, since i had an important exam.



I think we need to see the whole before commenting.

In general it seems the top of the structure needs some

better understanding. It looks weak at the moment.

a presto
