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LAB_6 ES_1 Via Alcide de Gasperi 13 Ivan Mellini

La mia abitazione è situata nella parte sud del quartiere popolare di Campo dell'Oro a Civitavecchia. La zona dove risiedo è caratterizzata dalla presenza di villini.
{My house is located in the southern part of the popular district of Campo Dell'Oro in Civitavecchia . The area where I live is characterized by the presence of small houses.}

1) La prima operazione effettuata è stata quella di cambiare le unità di misura in metri, cliccando su MANAGE e poi su PROJECT UNITS.


ES_1 Lab_6 : Analisi dell'ombreggiamento in via degli Antamoro (Roma)



1-Una volta aperto il programma, cliccare su Manage > Project Units e cambiare le unità di misura.

1-After opening the program, click Manage > Project Units and change the units of measurement.


prima consegna_strada patronale dei vignali_antonio scirocchi

My house is located in Anguillara Sabazia, in the north of Rome, and the building isn’t near other buildings but it’s isolated in open countryside.



Es_1 Lab_6-Shadow Study- Viale di Villa Pamphili 20 (quartiere Monteverde Vecchio)-Virginia Pucello

The analysis of the shadows relates to the building at Avenue Villa Pamphili 20 , Monteverde Vecchio district (RM) . The pictures were taken the day March 12, 2014 at strategic times : at 8.30 a.m. , 14.30 p.m., and then at 17.00 p.m. During the solstices the sun rises approximately to the east and sets approximately to the west ; so you can see the light change on the facade of the building in question. To verify that it is in this way, I created a model using Vasari , before tracing the plan on the map imported from google maps, and then extruding it .


Esercitazione 1_Solar Analysis_Furio Camillo, Via Cerreto di Spoleto, Roma_Antonino Zappulla

Analysis of the shadows.

In this post I will show how to do a simple solar analysis.It's better divided the process into several points:

1. Open a new project from the first display of Vasari;

2. First of all you need to change some parameters in order to not have problems in the future analysis:

            2.a You need to change the view, from a perspective one to a Defaul 3D view;



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