
tesi di laurea centrate sulle tecniche parametriche di progettazione

AcAna_use of scattering coefficient

In order to understand wheter the scattering coefficient (http://www.rpginc.com/research/r002a.htm) could be helpful for the analisys, i set up an "experiment".


AcAna_a week of analisys

During this first week of analisys, me and G.Bianchi attempted to understand wheter the software we use is able to analize a particular shape configuration, giving a precise result.

This verify is necessary for two reasons: 1) RAMSETE software uses a piramyd tracing system, which we didn't know yet if it approximates the sound as quanta of enenergy or if it considers its wawy nature (we need indeed this second form of analisys). 2) it's the very first time for bianchi to use this software, since the other ray-tracing softwares don't consinder the sound as a wave.


At last, I publish the very first result of the analysis. It took a little bit long because the program is not very easy to use, moreover G.Bianchi had never used it like this.
In fact we have spent these first meetings to set it up.


I have got an idea to solve my problem.

The idea concerns a new constructive sytem, which is strictly related with the examples proposed during the last lesson. I reckon this could be the right constructive concept, because it includes a changing shape, a ribs+spine structure anf the use of Reflection Phase Grating.

The final object is intended to be in a club or local, not in a house (it shouldn't be cost-competitive with an home theater system)

This contructive system is composed by 4 components:

ComponenteDevoto_acoustic analisys?

During the meeting we had on friday, me and professor Bianchi tried to understand how to analize the acoustic performance of my component. We tried moreover to understand wheter the box sistem is better than the open sistem.


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