
Tutti i post legati all'acustica. Posts on acoustic behavior of architectural components.

AcAna_paramethers to take in account

The software we are using is able to determinate a wide range of paramethers for each analisys. At first, it is necessary to understand "what we are looking for".

All the following paramethers are funcion of the sound energy: which means that they are function of i.the source (position, directivity and power) ii.the whole ambient (whose implulse response can determine different situations) iii.position (of the "listentner").

It is possible to stimate these paramethers both for each range of frequancy and in a weighted average.


At last, I publish the very first result of the analysis. It took a little bit long because the program is not very easy to use, moreover G.Bianchi had never used it like this.
In fact we have spent these first meetings to set it up.

ComponenteDevoto_acoustic analisys?

During the meeting we had on friday, me and professor Bianchi tried to understand how to analize the acoustic performance of my component. We tried moreover to understand wheter the box sistem is better than the open sistem.

ComponenteDevoto_a first acoustic advice

I asked for an help for studying acoustic. I would like to thank professor Bianchi very much, who has kindly accepted to give me an help with the acoustic feautures of my project. We had a first meeting yesterday: several facets of the problems have emerged.


Firstly, I submitted him my idea and his consequent design form.


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