AcAna_a week of analisys

During this first week of analisys, me and G.Bianchi attempted to understand wheter the software we use is able to analize a particular shape configuration, giving a precise result.

This verify is necessary for two reasons: 1) RAMSETE software uses a piramyd tracing system, which we didn't know yet if it approximates the sound as quanta of enenergy or if it considers its wawy nature (we need indeed this second form of analisys). 2) it's the very first time for bianchi to use this software, since the other ray-tracing softwares don't consinder the sound as a wave.

AcAna_paramethers to take in account

The software we are using is able to determinate a wide range of paramethers for each analisys. At first, it is necessary to understand "what we are looking for".

All the following paramethers are funcion of the sound energy: which means that they are function of i.the source (position, directivity and power) ii.the whole ambient (whose implulse response can determine different situations) iii.position (of the "listentner").

It is possible to stimate these paramethers both for each range of frequancy and in a weighted average.

riflessioni facciata continua

ho aggiunto qualche parametro alla famiglia base che fa in modo di poter utilizzare anche triangoli isosceli oltre che quelli equilateri

faccio inoltre delle riflessioni riguardo alla facciata continua che esce fuori da questi pannelli


At last, I publish the very first result of the analysis. It took a little bit long because the program is not very easy to use, moreover G.Bianchi had never used it like this.
In fact we have spent these first meetings to set it up.

Calcolare il numero dei gradini di una scala in revit

Ciao stefano,

stavo sistemando il modello in rvt per il 3m, ma non sapevo come fare il conteggio dei gradini...

Ho trovato un forum che spiega il modo per crearsi una famiglia di dettaglio ad hoc!!!




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