Inviato da MarcoMondello il 16 Gennaio, 2009 - 12:38
I propose a new idea to produce my component better.
It could be imagined as a union of single ribs milled one by one and glued together (as stefano suggested) departing from a unique model, with his own parametrical shape. The RPGs in this way should have a plane which is not always the same, but depends by the tangent plane to the shape in every point.(i've read nothing about this use of the rpg: so its use could be innovative...and the results would probably be unexpected).
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 14 Gennaio, 2009 - 16:55
In order to meet mr.Devoto, i've produced a project model realising all the compnents I have in my mind to built up the acoustic chair. I've temporarly suspended the acoustic analisys for this reason.
The whole design is a little bit rude at the moment.
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 3 Gennaio, 2009 - 15:14
In order to understand wheter the scattering coefficient ( could be helpful for the analisys, i set up an "experiment".
Inviato da MarcoMondello il 20 Dicembre, 2008 - 21:18
During this first week of analisys, me and G.Bianchi attempted to understand wheter the software we use is able to analize a particular shape configuration, giving a precise result.
This verify is necessary for two reasons: 1) RAMSETE software uses a piramyd tracing system, which we didn't know yet if it approximates the sound as quanta of enenergy or if it considers its wawy nature (we need indeed this second form of analisys). 2) it's the very first time for bianchi to use this software, since the other ray-tracing softwares don't consinder the sound as a wave.
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