
wooden showcase, designed for the School by TommasoBerretta



After the last post I tried to put my thoughts into a model. I did a first model that helped me to understand what kind of problem I could find in this step from paper to screen.



After Devoto's review we cleared some points of my questions on designing in mass customization / parametric context. I also felt to need a step back, focusing again on the formal concept that drove me in the design process.

Wood Showcase - step two

I keept working on the showcase, trying to go forward. Thinking about the possibility that mass customization gives us I thought we can slightly change the geometry of pieces without bounce against the problems of stardard production.

The furniture is made on a skeleton of wood beams of two different geometries.


Wood Showcase - Tommaso Berretta


 The work was focused on a furniture that could fit in the university life. I started working on a desk, then i designed a showcase for the university yard.


I struggled a little bit on this work because I was thinking what is the meaning of this work, of working with this parametric softwares in this parametric\mass customization dimension.

Modulo Guardaroba / Tommaso Berretta

Ho deciso di lavorare su un oggetto abbastanza "stupido" dal punto di vista progettuale per concentrarmi sul discorso della parametrizzazione.

L'idea era quella di parametrizzare un modulo per un possibile guardaroba con la possibilità di  scegliere fra varie configurazioni possibili dei ripiani.

Il primo passo è stato parametrizzare le dimensioni in pianta ponendo il vincolo di equivalenza per i ridimensionamenti della larghezza.

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