
Barrisol is something like a "code name" for a project for a light acosutic shell aimed at improving the acoustic performance of a new conference hall to be built within an existing structure

Bando di concorso per la realizzazione di un asilo nido.

Come avevo annunciato avevo intenzione di utilizzare il bando di concorso per la realizzazione di un'asilo nido.

Tra le varie aree proposte dal bando ho selezionato la seguente area:

Non riesco ad inserire in allegato il file pdf.. forse supera i limiti di MB??  4.75 Mb! bando.pdf

ComponenteDevoto_Prototype fabrication & assembly

Last week i've been fabricating a prototype of my component at Devoto's.

What we've made is the diffusive part of it: we succeded in assemblying two modules, while the other four plus a very rough sitting will be fabricated next week. Starting from data i've produced (see last posts), process has involved these steps:

BIM-based structural interoperability in the early design stages

I have started my research studying different Structural Analysis software packages and trying to understand how I can import the necessary information into these.

ComponenteDevoto_Prototyping process (part 2: data out of geometry)

Departing from the last post, i continue explaining how it is possible to sort data out of geometry. I will talk to mr. Devoto soon departing from what i've produced, in order to understand how to make a prototype for ComponenteDevoto.



1_family modeling


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